+90 232 880 70 66

LPrimer S

Acrylic Based Curing Compound

LPrimer S is a concrete curing compound with bonding enhancing property which is applied to the smooth concrete surface by roller or brush.


  • LPrimer S is recommended for use in the applications below.
  • For providing the curing needed when the water curing is difficult.
  • Mass concrete surfaces.
  • In any kind of concrete surfaces to be plastered.

Advantages and Properties

  • LPrimer S helps to prevent water loss due to evaporation by forming an impermeable and thin layer on the applied surface.
  • By this way, it recruits the strength development by providing more effective utilization of the mixing water in the hydration process.
  • Does not contain any compounds that may have detrimental influences on the engineering properties of hardened cement paste.
  • Reduces the plastic shrinkage crack formation risk.
  • Provides economy in curing works requiring time and workmanship.
  • Improves the boding between the Portland cement or gypsum based mortar and concrete surface.
  • Provides better adhesion of gypsum based plaster works to the surface.
  • Does not contain any substance that may cause corrosion of reinforcing steel.
  • Does not contain solvent.

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