+90 232 880 70 66

Self-Compacting Concrete Admixtures


High-Range Water-reducing / Superplasticizing Chemical Admixture for Self-Compacting Concrete

NanoFlow is polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for the production of very flowable concretes (S5 workability class) or self-compacting concretes. NanoFlow provides very high flowability and slump retention performance.


  • NanoFlow is recommended for use in the applications and purposes below.
  • Concrete production in very high workability classes.
  • Self-compacting concrete production.
  • Ready-mixed concrete production.
  • Concretes designed for sections having closely spaced and congested reinforcing steel.
  • Concrete production in low water to cement ratio without slump loss.
  • High strength concrete production.

Advantages and Properties

  • NanoFlow is a modified polycarboxylate based, high-range water reducer / superplasticizer type of chemical admixture designed for making very flowable concrete and self-compacting concrete.
  • Thanks to its specially designed and optimized chemical structure it has a very effective dispersion effect of cement particles and prevents the flocculation. This mechanism makes NanoFlow a very effective dispersant to obtain self compactability in very low water to cement ratios.
  • Thanks to the appropriate combination of polycarboxylate ether and triethanolamine compounds, NanoFlow improves the early strength.
  • A water reduction up to 40% by satisfying the target workability can be obtained through the appropriate usage of NanoFlow. This significant amount of water reduction and decreased water to cement ratio results in increased early strength gain, increased ultimate strength, enhanced durability and the other beneficial properties associated with low water to cement ratio such as decreased chloride-ion penetration.
  • Provides significant increase in workability without increasing the quantity of mixing water and hence procures considerable easiness in mixing, transporting, placing and compaction of fresh concrete.
  • Improves the strength and durability by ensuring that the specified target consistency is achieved with lower water to binder ratios.
  • It is non-chloride admixture and does not contain any compounds that may cause corrosion of reinforcing steel.

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